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Exhibition “Pause and Play” is reflective of Puja’s own preoccupation with the human body and is an exploration of the power of mind.  “Strength and power are often wrongly perceived; those who appear frail may in fact be resolutely strong. ‘ Wars’, as it has been said, ‘are not always won or lost on the battlefield’, but often in the mind,” says Puja. While describing her works Puja says,. These are universal images as they deal with the frailties and the experience of being human. As a painter, I find this extremely challenging. I want to explore the human form with all its frailties, strengths and weaknesses. "

The task of the artists in the present shrinking times is to maintain individuality in the ‘universal impulse.’ Reading Puja under these lines makes the viewer take a close glance at the canvas. It is not a simple painting with chiselled human figuration; it is a microscopic peek to the macro world of socio-cultural tensions and apprehensions.

Alka Pande, Art Historian & Curator

SERIES - Mapping the Terrain - 2007

“The persistent human head in Puja’s paintings is her representative anthem for metaphysical probing. Stylistically, these works might lead one to believe that they are photo-realistic, but as soon as you enter a painting, the exploration of each minute cell reveals the inherent, abstract quality and the artist’s philosophy of work”

Anahite Contractor, Art Curator


2019-2020 | 2018 | 2017   |   2015   |   2014-2013   |   2012-2007   |   2005-2004   |   2002-2000   |   1999-94


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